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CondorPhone FAQ:


Q. Who is CondorPhone?
A. CondorPhone is a privately held long distance company providing telephone service via a state of the art fiber optic network system. A highly professional management team, with extensive experience in the telecommunications industry, manages the company.


Q. What rate plans does CondorPhone offer?
A. CondorPhone currently offers 2 plans: DirectDial and SavaRate. DirectDial offers our customers excellent rates without any access numbers to dial. Our SavaRate service offers even greater savings through local access numbers.

Q. What are the billing increments on the per-minute rates?
A. Most of our per-minute rates are billed in six second increments. See Our Rates for complete details.


Q. How do I use the SavaRate service?
A. In order to make a call, you simply dial a local access number, wait for a prompt and then enter your destination number, that's it.

Q. Do I need a PIN code?
A. No, our system automatically detects the number you are calling from and grants you immediate access.

Q. Am I charged for dialing the access number?
A. In most cases the access number is a local call. Charges depend on your local phone company's rate plan.

Q. Do I need to disable privacy blocking in order to use the service?
A. No.

Q. Is there a toll free access number?
A. Yes. For the toll free access number and a complete list of local access numbers, view our Access Numbers.

Q. Is there a way that I can use the service without having to dial the local access number?
A. The local access number can be programmed into the speed dial feature on the phone.

Q. Is there a way that I can use the service without having to dial the local access number?
A. The local access number can be programmed into the speed dial feature on the phone.


Q. Do I get a copy of my call records?
A. Each month you will receive an itemized bill for your per minute rated calls. In addition, you will receive a summary count for the total number of calls, and the total number minutes used.


Q. What payment methods do you accept?
A. Credit Card, Checks, or Money Orders.

Q. Where do I send my payment?
A. CondorPhone
P.O. Box 55004
Newark, NJ 07101-8006


Q. Why do you need my Social Security number?
A. CondorPhone recognizes the sensitivity of a consumer's social security number as well as other personally identifying information and the concerns an individual has when providing this information, either on-line or over the phone. With the heightened awareness of identity theft, consumers should be cautious when giving out this information.
Identity theft is a major concern of CondorPhone and protecting you is one of our commitments. Your personal identifying information is collected in order to protect you and CondorPhone from fraudulent activity. In order to protect you, CondorPhone will collect personally identifying information about you to verify your identity. Specifically, the social security number is obtained during the sign up process to verify your identity and prevent someone else from activating an account and obtaining service in your name, without your permission. Your social security number will only be collected from you once during the sign up process and we will not ask you for it again. If anyone should contact you claiming to be from CondorPhone and request your social security number after you have signed up, you should not give it to them, As a reputable business with concern for it's customers, CondorPhone has entered into contracts with the major credit reporting agencies and uses the information provided by you to match their database. Once we have confirmed your identity, only then will we activate your service. Your social security number, along with any other personal identifying information is then stored in our secured database (see our Privacy Policy).

Q. What if I don't provide my social security number?
A. By not providing your social security number, you make it difficult for us to verify your identity and therefore help protect you from someone signing up an account in your name fraudulently. As an alternative method to protect you, as well as ourselves, if you choose not to provide your social security number to us when you sign up, we will still give you the option to sign up for service with our company, however you will be required to sign up on one of our automated payment plans with a major credit card in your name, or automatic bank withdrawal from an account in your name.


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